Sunday, October 30, 2011

Fall Carnival #1

The church where Parker goes to school at, A&M Church of Christ, hosted a Fall Festival tonight. We had a lot of fun- age appropriate for Parker. His favorite part was jumping in the bounce house and of course seeing his buddy, Braylon.

Parker came up with this pose on his own:
Parker was going to be a baseball player. Aunt Teddie found him some baseball pants and Nana altered them to make them fit. He was going to wear Trevor's shirt and baseball helmet he mailed him. All until we gave him an Aggie jersey and football helmet on his birthday. We thought it would be the perfect gift since he's always wearing that tool belt around his neck for the face mask. He was super excited about it and changed his mind for his Halloween costume. Good thing we had the baseball pants and they worked perfectly for football pants. All he was lacking was the football pads.
Parker and Braylon, Best Friends:
Playing one of the games:

Parker LOVES motorcycles but is intimidated when up close.
He was willing to sit on it with his Daddy.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Happy 3rd Birthday, Parker- Man!

It's hard to believe that 3 years ago at 5:13 pm. you were born. I know we say it all the time, but seriously, where has the time flown by to? It feels like yesterday we were bringing you home with no clue how much our lives had changed.... And we wouldn't change it for the world!
I know your Dad and I have said it about previous stages of your life but we really mean that this is by far our favorite stage you're at. You are ALWAYS making us laugh by what you say and do. There is NEVER a dull moment when you're around. We often wish that we could get in your mind and see what you're thinking and your thought process.
I often times call you my side-kick or running buddy because in the past 3 years you've been right by my side. You love to go shopping at Sam's or Target. You also love to go on lunch dates with me. Before Cooper was born we frequented The Kettle and started going to BJ's. I'm ready to start taking both of you on our lunch dates.
We are a lot a like and we tend to but-heads at times. I refer to these times as "battle of the wills." For the record, sometimes you win; sometimes I win. ;) I often wonder how my mom survived all of the battles and questions I would ask her.
You ask a million and one questions about stuff you want to know about. One night you asked your dad who painted the cabinet in your bathroom. No-one did, it's just wood. Then you wanted to know the exact name of the person who built it. You also ask "why" a lot. Needless to say, you are very eager to learn. You thrive in the structured environment at school.
You amaze me. You are the most compassionate, helpful 3 year old I know. You LOVE your little brother and when he cries you instinctively say, "Shhh. Shhh. It's okay Tooper." You're very soothing. You also get him his passy to try to appease him when he gets upset. You have done a great job as Cooper's big brother.
You also LOVE to help us with anything. When we cook dinner, you want to help and it's hard for you to understand that you can't cook hamburger meat because the stove is hot. You think you can help us in the kitchen with everything we cook. You're a great egg cracker, by the way!
You also love to help your dad fix things. When he needs a tool, you offer your tools to help him. You do a really good job of sharing stuff with us.
When we pray in the car you pray for the cross walk lady or the construction workers we pass (after you ask me their name, why they are there and where they got their equipment from.) It's so precious.
Parker, I hope you know how much we love you. The past 3 years have been a whole lot of fun. I'm anxious about the next year as you turn into a 4 year old. I'm not ready for you to grow up. I asked you the other night if you would stay 3 for forever. You told me you would be 6 next. I couldn't correct you that 4 comes next because before I know it you will be 6. And in kindergarten.
Love you sweet boy.

Happy Birthday Dinner at Chuck E Cheese

Friday, October 28, 2011

Parker is the STAR Student at SS

For the month of November Parker is the Start Student in his class. He came home with this paper for us to fill out. Tonight I sat down with Parker, the paper and a pack of markers. I asked him the questions, he told me what to write and what color to write in. At the bottom he drew a picture of his favorite things he likes to do at Sonshine School and it carried to rest of the page. Isn't he such a good artist?

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Parker & Braylon

This is Parker's Best Friend, Braylon.
They are in class together.
They LOVE each other.
Today when I dropped Parker off at school, they were both sporting their Rangers shirts in hopes that the Rangers can pull it off tonight!
Aren't they so cute?

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Granny & Gramps Came to Visit...

Parker was sooooooooo excited to hold his little brother, Cooper!

Parker about to ride Gramps' "horse" REALLY HIGH!

Cooper's first outing- Papa Perez.
Even though it was crazy loud, he did great-
slept the whole time!
Great pic of everyone right before Granny and Gramps left.
We all had a great time with them!!
We are always sad when they leave. :(

Friday, October 21, 2011

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Cooper Reed Cates

5:39 pm
6 lb 13 oz

Monday, October 10, 2011

Doctor Update for Cooper

We went to the doctor this morning and I'm back at home on the couch.
I'm at a 4.
He's confident Cooper will make his debut this week.
I have another appointment Thursday morning and he doubts I'll come back home....
He said that at the rate I'm dilating, if I haven't had him by then, I will be far enough dilated that I'll need to go to the hospital to have him.
Dr Gayle is also confident that my due date is wrong, which makes us feel soooooooo much better! My belly measurement today is saying 38, almost 39 weeks. Each time I've been early. He said each sonogram has said earlier and and earlier. So we all feel a lot better about Cooper coming this week!
Here's to playing the waiting game! :)

Picture Update

We had a wonderful, VERY LOW key weekend.
Here's Parker's new hair cut. First time he let the lady at Great Clips use clippers on him. He EVEN let her blow dry his hair- she just used it to dust the hair off of him. This is a HUGE step for Parker because he usually flips out and runs away when I'm blow drying my hair. When he came home and I was going on and on about his hair cut, he told me to touch it because it was still hot from "her blow drying it." It wasn't. But in his mind it was. ;)
Yesterday morning he was sitting on the couch with Caleb, held his head next to Caleb's and said, "we match" because their hair cut is almost identical. So cute.

Here's a pic of Parker ready for movie night. He got to pick the movie- Toy Story 1- and basically quoted the whole movie and told us what was about to happen. He loved that we ate popcorn too. We all enjoyed movie night!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Earlier this summer we bought Parker a dresser to paint and re-do so that his current dresser could go in the nursery. We finally got around to working on the dresser about a week and a half ago... here Caleb and Parker are working on getting the handles out of the drawers... Parker is such a great helper and always wants to do whatever Caleb is doing.
We all spent some time outside... I worked on the dresser and they hung out. Parker even got in the water sprinkler a little bit.
Aren't they so cute???
Parker told me that he was "hiding." He was trying to get under the chair. I'm convinced that he thinks that if his eyes are closed he can't be seen. ;)
He has rediscovered his love for his Cowboy boots recently.
They also sing a "cowboy song" at school and he's been using things for his rope (we tried to tell him the correct word is a lasso, but he doesn't seem to care). He kicks his foot out and does the "rope" around in the air and says "yeehaw." Yesterday he even slept with his hat on his head. Caleb said before he fell asleep he was laying in there tipping his hat and saying something like "howdy." You never know what Parker is going to say... I REALLY wish I could get in his mind and see what his thoughts are. He makes us laugh all. the. time!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Cooper Update

I went to the doctor today for my 35 week check. I'm 35 weeks, 4 days according to my actual due date. I asked to be checked because I have been having a few random contractions. I'm dilated to a 3, 80% effaced. I'm now on bed rest. They did a sonogram to make sure Cooper is measuring okay and he is. He weighs 6 lb, 1 oz.

This all totally caught me off guard as I just KNEW that I wouldn't have him til at least November 1. I was almost in a panic when they told me because I'm not ready. No. Where. Near. Ready.

This weekend is our last weekend before Cooper's actual due date to not have any big plans- no football game, no wedding. NOTHING! We have somethings we need to get done to Cooper's room before he's here. I KNOW, I KNOW that Cooper doesn't care if his room is done or not, but I care and need some kind of order to his room. :) Here's to hoping Cooper waits til at least next week to arrive.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Parker & His Puppies...

Yesterday Parker and I took a walk to the park to play and have a picnic....
along with Ranger and Patches.
We all had a great time!
This is my favorite pic.... SO precious!