Saturday, June 19, 2010

Dude's Day

Today Caleb and Parker spent some time together. They kicked off the morning (after Parker ate two bowls of oatmeal) with a haircut. Parker did GREAT! He was such a BIG BOY! Caleb swears that Parker didn't cry at all!! I still can't believe it!! Here is a pic of his new hair cut:
After his hair cut, Caleb took Parker to Toys R Us to celebrate Parker being such a big boy and not crying. This is the pic Caleb text messaged me; I thought it was really cute:
And NO Parker did not get this! He wouldn't know what to do with it. Caleb sprung and spent $3 on a golf club and ball. Big spender.

After their outing at Toys R Us they ended up at McDonald's for lunch and to play on the indoor playground.

They both had a great day together!!

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