Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Swim Lessons Day #2

Tonight at swim lessons Parker spent the majority of his time jumping into the pool.
Let me rephrase that.
Parker spent the majority of his time running and then jumping into the pool.

When we arrived at the pool, Parker could not get out of his car seat quick enough. He was saying, "pool" and squealing- in an excited way.

The first few minutes of class he enjoyed blowing bubbles and attempted floating (of course with my assistance). This was during the time that they wanted him to blow bubbles, float, kick his feet AND move his hands in a scooping motion ALL AT THE SAME TIME. (He's 20 months old- in case you forgot.) They wanted him to float and hold the rubber turtle on his stomach. He was over all of this because it was a little too advanced and he was tired of floating and working on blowing bubbles (he drank water twice).
Long story short, we ended up moving on to the jumping into the pool for the rest of the class.

Parker would get out of the pool and they had tiles about a foot and a half back from the edge of the pool saying how deep the water was (3 ft where we were at). He insisted on standing on the tiles and would look at me and say "ready." Once I would say "ready, set, go" he would run to the pool and either jump or fall in to the pool (obviously anticipating me catching him).

He was really disappointed when swim lessons were over. He pointed at the pool and said, "Pool. Pool. Pool." (He's a broken record. For real.)
I'm a little nervous about the next week of his classes because it's supposed to rain THE ENTIRE NEXT WEEK- Thanks Hurricane Alex.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Swim Lesson's Day #1

Tonight was our first night at swim lessons. Parker did GREAT! He blew bubbles, jumped in from the side multiple times and kicked his feed some. Hopefully by the end of the week he will enjoy getting his head wet and floating on his back!

Caleb popped in at the end of swim lessons and took this pic of us.
*The girl to the left of us was his swim instructor last year.
She's teaching a different class this year.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Sunday Funday with Our Family

We had a great day today!
We stared the day off with church and Sunday School.
Then we had lunch.
Parker napped.
Caleb played on his phone.
I drove to Hempstead (40 minutes away) to a produce stand that is family owned and operated. You probably think I'm crazy for doing such a thing, but I needed to go.
I've been thinking about Grandma and Farmer Boy's Market
for over a week and I needed a Market Fix.
It was great. Got lots of good, local produce.
I think I'm going to check out the
Bryan Farmer's Market they have this Saturday morning.
When I got home, Parker was awake from his nap
and we loaded up and went to the city pool on Rock Prairie. It was a lot of fun!
They have a little slide and Parker wanted to slide down it over and over.
He loved the water.
Here's a pic of him on our way to the pool:
Here's a cute pic of my little man before he went to bed-
he's lovin' his new pajama's.... He loves showing us the cars on them!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Poor. Little. Man. :(

So Parker was helping Caleb out in the garage and found the tube that goes on my old snocone machine. Parker decided to play with it. Within the first few seconds of him finding the tube, this happened:
It looks A LOT worse than what it really is. PROMISE!
He stepped on the tube and planted face first on the concrete.
He cried for 3 1/2 minutes and then was ready to run around and return to normal Parker again... ready to conquer the world!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Playin' with the new phone

So Caleb got his the iPhone 4 yesterday.
I only thought my phone was sweet until I played with his!
He's making me jealous with all the photos he is taking and playing with the video camera on it. Here are a few pics from his phone:

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Pics from Mo Ranch- In No Particular Order

*So I know I'm supposed to blog daily, but we didn't have internet service for me to literally blog everyday. I am justifying not blogging Tuesday and Wednesday of our trip because I have uploaded a ton of pictures on here for you to view.

There were over 200 pictures taken, so obviously these are just a few from our fun week at Mo Ranch. We all had a GREAT time and spent lots of time playing games, relaxing, swimming and eating! There were 14 adults, 5 children.... 4 generations. Such a neat place! You can see more about Mo Ranch here.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Mo Ranch 2010

Yesterday we left for vacation with Caleb's family.
On the way, Caleb, Parker and I stopped at the Austin Zoo (hence the pics from yesterday.)
We went to Mo Ranch in South Texas- near Kerrville.
It was a lot of fun!
(Minus the mouse that was visiting us.)
There were 12 adults and 5 kids.
Here are a few pics from yesterday:
Parker reading his book in the car... guess he doesn't get car sick.
We were in the registration office waiting on the cabin (Nicholas Barn) to be ready.
Parker helped himself to the cookies.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Our First Trip to the Austin Zoo

Here are a few pics of our trip to the Austin Zoo today.
It's our favorite zoo.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Dude's Day

Today Caleb and Parker spent some time together. They kicked off the morning (after Parker ate two bowls of oatmeal) with a haircut. Parker did GREAT! He was such a BIG BOY! Caleb swears that Parker didn't cry at all!! I still can't believe it!! Here is a pic of his new hair cut:
After his hair cut, Caleb took Parker to Toys R Us to celebrate Parker being such a big boy and not crying. This is the pic Caleb text messaged me; I thought it was really cute:
And NO Parker did not get this! He wouldn't know what to do with it. Caleb sprung and spent $3 on a golf club and ball. Big spender.

After their outing at Toys R Us they ended up at McDonald's for lunch and to play on the indoor playground.

They both had a great day together!!