Thursday, March 11, 2010

Going Out With My Boots On!

My Great Aunt Virginia and Uncle Charles gave me a pair of brown Wrangler Boots when I was a baby. Parker is now able to wear them and he won't wear anything else! It's so cute and it's nice because when he walks, they clank on the ground so I always know where he's at! :)
Yesterday Caleb realized that one of the soles was coming off the boot and the other was about to start coming off as well. We pulled them off of Parker and we thought we hid them from him. We were wrong.... he found this morning before he left for school. He tried to pull his Nike's off and put his boots on. I distracted him from the boots, got them in the car without too big of a ruckus. I took the boots to a boot repair man and he's fixing them for us. This weekend I'll be searching for him some new boots in the next size to have on hand. I'm not even going to try to explain to him that he outgrew those and has to wear tennis shoes all the time!

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