Tuesday, February 23, 2010


For the two or three of you who actually check our blog regularly, I apologize it has been so long since I have posted anything. For some reason we are having issues posting pictures on here. I have tried several different times in the last 4 months.
Things are going great in the Cates' household! We are staying very busy (as usual)!
Parker started walking mid- Jan and he goes 90 to nothing!
He's also talking more. Today he started saying his teachers names at school.
Speaking of school, two weeks ago, he tackled 3 of his classmates to try to get them to play with him! He is the oldest in his class and is bored. They are ready to move him to the next class (tear in my eye) but there isn't an open spot just yet. We bought him a nap mat and he takes naps on it at school now, to prepare him for the next class.
Parker went to his first wedding on Feb. 13. Our very good friends, Lauren and Matt, got married and Parker attended. Let's just say, he was out in the foyer with GiGi right after the bride made her grand entrance.
He's gearing up for Ashley's wedding which he will be in on June 12! :)
*We have 5 weddings this year!! 4 more to go!!!
I will try to get some pictures uploaded again. I also hope to write more often.
Hope all is going well with you!!