Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Wow. I'm amazed.

It dawned on me today that Parker understands EVERYTHING we are saying/ doing and he is talking more than just simple words like "Momma, Dadda."
He's a little sponge.
For a while now he has been able to follow short commands: turn the water off, please (he's obsessed with running water in our bath), please eat your food, please don't throw your cup down, please get in your chair and I'll feed you.
But today I realized that he is growing up.
This morning he found his shoes in the living room and I asked him to go put them in his room. He picked them up and took them immediately to his closet. He knows he is not supposed to be in his closet, so he politely waited at the closet door with shoes in hand until I made my way into his room. It occurred to me then that he can start helping me clean up around here. :)
This afternoon a friend of mine called. During our conversation I said, "Yeah, he likes all attention on him." Parker was riding his wooden rocking horse and he looked directly at me, made eye contact and started laughing really hard. He KNEW what I was saying and that I was talking about him without me even saying his name! Little Stinker.
He is talking more and more and repeats things we say. The big thing we are working on is asking for help instead of just hollering. We're working on saying "help me, please." It's cute to hear him say his version of that.
Oh and he was loving on me. He looked up at me and gave me the sweetest kiss. Then he did his sign language for thank you, while saying his version of "thank you."
I had a great day with Parker.

1 comment:

Stacy said...

I love how he even knows to smile when he sees the camera, and even blurts out something that sounds like cheeeese!!! Love it!