Friday, February 26, 2010

4th Day in a Row!!

Wow. I'm pretty impressed with myself right now. Four days in a row of blogging! :)
I took some funny pics of Parker today, but I can't post them. It's not cooperating; I think our internet is too slow. I posted the artwork masterpiece at my office yesterday, so for now, the pics will only been posted when I'm at the office. Bummer.
Anyways, this afternoon Parker and I had to go run a few errands. Anytime we leave I tell Ranger and Patches bye, to be good boys and that I love them. Well this afternoon before we left, Parker was almost to the front door and he turned around and went to the couch were Patches was laying on his blankets and Parker told Patches bye and tried to give him a kiss. He couldn't reach Patches so he just laid his head down on the couch and looked at him and made the noise he makes when he's giving a kiss, which is a mmmmmmmm sound. I must say, it was so stinkin' cute.
That's not what I have a picture of though.
Earlier today I heard some banging around in our laundry room and as I got up to check on things, Parker came down the hall and into the living room with my swifter floor contraption in hand. He went through the living room and kitchen with it.
That's what I have pictures of. I can't wait for you to see them. Hopefully Tuesday I can post them when I go into the office.
Well, I hope everyone has a great weekend! Caleb and I are going to Galveston tomorrow to celebrate our 3rd anniversary. Man, 3 years! Time has flown by!!!!!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Parker's Masterpiece

Parker created this today at his school (aka Mother's Day Out).
It's his first artwork.
I am a very proud Mommy!
It's going on the fridge for sure.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Wow. I'm amazed.

It dawned on me today that Parker understands EVERYTHING we are saying/ doing and he is talking more than just simple words like "Momma, Dadda."
He's a little sponge.
For a while now he has been able to follow short commands: turn the water off, please (he's obsessed with running water in our bath), please eat your food, please don't throw your cup down, please get in your chair and I'll feed you.
But today I realized that he is growing up.
This morning he found his shoes in the living room and I asked him to go put them in his room. He picked them up and took them immediately to his closet. He knows he is not supposed to be in his closet, so he politely waited at the closet door with shoes in hand until I made my way into his room. It occurred to me then that he can start helping me clean up around here. :)
This afternoon a friend of mine called. During our conversation I said, "Yeah, he likes all attention on him." Parker was riding his wooden rocking horse and he looked directly at me, made eye contact and started laughing really hard. He KNEW what I was saying and that I was talking about him without me even saying his name! Little Stinker.
He is talking more and more and repeats things we say. The big thing we are working on is asking for help instead of just hollering. We're working on saying "help me, please." It's cute to hear him say his version of that.
Oh and he was loving on me. He looked up at me and gave me the sweetest kiss. Then he did his sign language for thank you, while saying his version of "thank you."
I had a great day with Parker.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


For the two or three of you who actually check our blog regularly, I apologize it has been so long since I have posted anything. For some reason we are having issues posting pictures on here. I have tried several different times in the last 4 months.
Things are going great in the Cates' household! We are staying very busy (as usual)!
Parker started walking mid- Jan and he goes 90 to nothing!
He's also talking more. Today he started saying his teachers names at school.
Speaking of school, two weeks ago, he tackled 3 of his classmates to try to get them to play with him! He is the oldest in his class and is bored. They are ready to move him to the next class (tear in my eye) but there isn't an open spot just yet. We bought him a nap mat and he takes naps on it at school now, to prepare him for the next class.
Parker went to his first wedding on Feb. 13. Our very good friends, Lauren and Matt, got married and Parker attended. Let's just say, he was out in the foyer with GiGi right after the bride made her grand entrance.
He's gearing up for Ashley's wedding which he will be in on June 12! :)
*We have 5 weddings this year!! 4 more to go!!!
I will try to get some pictures uploaded again. I also hope to write more often.
Hope all is going well with you!!