Thursday, October 11, 2012

HaPPy 1sT BiRThDaY, CooP!

Cooper Reed,
How is it possible that you're already a year old?  I will never forget the day you were born- it feels as if it was just yesterday I was driving over to Angela's house to hang out on her couch and time my contractions.  I finally went to the hospital when they were about 4 minutes apart.  Your dad was delivering in Brenham and came to meet us at the hospital when I was admitted.
You spent the first 5 days in the NICU with wet lungs.  You were so tiny and cute.  We couldn't wait to get you home!  It was the longest 5 days of our lives!  It's amazing to look at you now and how much you have grown in the past year.
You have 2 top teeth.  We keep thinking that more are going to pop through- especially your bottom teeth.
You are still crawling (we call it hopping around like a frog) to get everywhere and you are so quick we don't know when you'll walk.
You used to scream a lot to get our attention, but you have not done it as much- not sure if you figured out other ways to get our attention or if now that you have tubes you can hear how obnoxious it was.
You love to play with your brother and with his toys.  You prefer his room over yours.
You always want your dad to hold you and get so excited when he comes home.
You're doing well at Sonshine School with Ms. Hollis.  Y'all are pretty big buds and like to share food.
You are extremely nosey- especially when it comes to figuring out what we are eating versus what you're eating.  (You normally eat what we are eating, but sometimes you have to eat different things since you only have 2 teeth.)  You eat a whole lot of food.
You are starting to stay up a little later in the evenings.  For the past several months you went to bed between 6 -6:30 in the evenings and are up between 6-7 am.  You take two naps a day.  When we are home the naps are about an hour and half to two hours each- they usually aren't quite that long at school.
You love to smile at the camera and laugh.  You make everyone else laugh with your contagious giggle.
You also love to stand on your head with your bottom in the air.  Ms. Hollis tells me you will be a gymnast in the Olympics someday.
You're wearing mainly 12 month clothes although a lot of the 12 month shorts and pants are too big in the waste.  I'm anxious to take you to the doctor for your 12 month visit to get an official height and weight reading.
It's been a crazy year for our family Coop: from Gramps being sick and going on to heaven, to us buying a new house, you having tubes put in and getting sick at the beginning of this school year.  You are a constant reminder of God's love and joy.   We can't imagine life without you.  Our prayer is that you will continue to be a ray of sunshine to everyone you meet!  We love you sweet boy and we hope you have a wonderful birthday!

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