Friday, June 17, 2011

Fun Day!

This morning Parker did not wake up until 9:40! He sure knows how to sleep in!!!!
We went to the Kettle to eat breakfast. In all the years Caleb and I have lived here, we've never been. Parker and I tried it out and loved it! It reminded me of places that Granny & Gramps would take me to eat breakfast when we used to travel together.
We had such a good time, I think Parker and I will start a "breakfast club" on Friday mornings and go eat at the Kettle.
We had a few errands to run to prepare for our vacation that we're leaving for on Sunday. One of the errands was to go by Toys R Us to see if they have a Toy Story or Thomas blow up mattress for Parker to sleep on while we are vacationing.
No luck, but of course Parker did eye ball a four wheeler.
When we first got to Toys R Us I told Parker he needed to ride in a buggy. This was hopes to keep him from touching all of the toys. When I put him in he informed me that it was his "work truck." I'm pretty sure he was missing his Daddy because earlier this morning he told me he (Parker) had his work shoes at home. His work shoes are his black tennis shoes- Caleb has black tennis shoes he wears to work.
On the way out, Parker got in the train and wanted his picture taken. Isn't he a cutie!?!?!?
We had such a good morning together! I love spending time with him!!

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