Wednesday, June 15, 2011

2 more stories for you...

So this afternoon I picked Parker up from school. He did not want any of my water- he wanted coke. Well I needed him to take a bath and eat before gymnastics and VBS so I decided to use the coke to my leverage. I told him if he would take a bath he could have some Cherry Coke (Zero) while he was in the bath. He picked out his cup, I got it all ready and it was on the side of the tub. He took his first sip and said, "MMM that's delicious, Mama." Then a few minutes later he took another sip and said, "MMMM Delicious."

Parker and I were eating dinner and he looked at me and said, "I like your shirt, Mama. It has flowers on it." I told him thank you and then a few minutes later he told me the same thing again. I'm assuming that he really meant it since he told me twice.

He's so sweet and funny!

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