Thursday, October 1, 2009

Flap Your Right Arm If You Love Food....

As most of you know, Parker LOVES to eat... he always has and he comes by it honestly! :) His latest love is Gogurt. It's yogurt for when you're on the go. You just squeeze the yogurt out of the tube and into your mouth- it's a pretty clever idea and it's tasty too! Each time I get a Gogurt out of the fridge, Parker goes nuts!
Tonight after Parker had eaten cottage cheese, diced peaches AND green beans (the peaches and beans he fed himself), he was STILL hungry so I pulled out a Gogurt. (He actually ended up eating two Gogurt's.) He went CRAZY! He started flapping his right arm around in circles and kicking his feet. I couldn't get it opened and the first squeeze in his mouth quick enough. I tried to take a few pictures of this excitement, but really, the pictures don't do it justice; I really need to bust out the video camera so you can all get the real experience.
*The pictures are a little blurry because he's so excited and moving a lot. :)

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