Monday, June 25, 2012

Day at the Dentist

He picked McDonald's for his reward.  We sat down and he said, "Eat it to the cone mom.  That's what I want."  So yeah... next time... I'm ordering just the cone.  He was super pumped because "I let" him eat it all the way to "here" and pointed to the bottom of the cone. 

March of 2011, Parker fell on his slide and hit his front tooth.  It's been slightly grey.  Today he was laying on his back, trying to watch a movie on the kindle and dropped it on his already grey tooth.  Blood. Crying.  Grey Tooth.  I took him to our family dentist.  The dentist was really worried that it was going to get infected and the infection would get to the permanent tooth. He wants to "clean the tooth out and put medicine in it" aka like a mini-version of an adult root canal.  Parker was such a big trooper. I was sooooooo proud of him! 

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