Sunday, February 19, 2012

Happy 4th Mirthday, Cooper!

I know this is a little late. Things have been pretty crazy for our family lately- we've been in Irving a lot lately spending time with our favorite Gramps. (Another post on that later.)
Today I took Cooper in for his 4 month check- up and shots.
Cooper is still very laid back and likes his sleep. He usually takes a good morning and afternoon nap and then a short cat nap in the evenings. Every night around 8 or 8:30 he's ready to go to sleep. He hasn't been sleeping as well at night- up once or twice- but we are attributing that to the fact that he's out of his routine since we've been out of town the past 3 weekends. He eats 6 oz bottles every 3 hours; is in a size 2 diaper still; some 3-6 month clothes and some 9 month clothes. He has recently found his hands and likes to watch them. He still isn't rolling over, but he sleeps on his Nap Nanny (elevated foam bed thing) to help with his reflux. He's still taking prevacid twice a day - still spits up but doesn't seem to "hurt."

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