Monday, September 23, 2013

The life of boys...

Me: Parker, you have to shower as soon as we get home. 
P: I smell because Cooper tooted a big one on me while we were napping. 

Monday, September 16, 2013

Look! A Wiener holder!

Tuesday I took Parker to academy to he baseball gear.  I was looking at the belts and there was a huge selection of cups for boys goods. Parker grabs one off the shelf and very loudly yells, "Hey! It's a wiener holder!" I busted out laughing. 

Fall Ball is Upon Us

Parker and his buddy, Braylon, are playing city league fall tball. Tonight they had a clinic lead by Aggie baseball players. They had a blast. They worked on catching and throwing.  About half way through the clinic, Coop ran out with a baseball and stood next to Parker. He was ready to throw to Braylon. It's going to he interesting to see how Coop handles not playing with them. 

Friday, September 13, 2013