Sunday, September 30, 2012

Mr. Monkey

Parker has a stuffed monkey that has become quite the character around our house.  He has had a busy month with his adventures with Parker.  The other day Parker was supposed to be napping.  Instead he had strapped Mr. Monkey to his rocket pack. 

Then another day I walked in his room and saw this mess... 

Every monkey needs a diaper, right!?!

Then he had Mr. Monkey hanging in mid-air with the kitchen tongs. 

Mr. Monkey and Frog finally got a good nap in. 

Nana felt sorry for Mr.  Monkey not having a diaper, so she made one and sent it to Parker.  

Mr. Monkey also went to school with Parker on Wild Animal Day.  
We forgot to take his picture though. :(

Friday, September 28, 2012

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Firetruck Day at Sonshine School

Thank you Uncle Kenny for the great fireman shirts!!!  

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Cooper Reed is 11 Months Today!

How are you already 11 months old?  Seriously.   Everyone says that time flies by with each kid, but geeze.  It's so crazy that 11 whole months have passed. 
You're jabbering a lot and still crawling - or as we have started calling it- leaping around like a frog!  You have recently started pulling up A LOT and walking long things.  It's exciting that you're starting to show signs of walking in the near future, but it's also sad.  You're still supposed to be our little baby.  In the past couple of weeks you started school.  You're starting to adjust to your new routines there, but you still love being home and sleeping in your bed.  You prefer me or your dad over other people who try to hold you. You also turn your head away from people sometimes when they try to take you or kiss you.  I can't help but laugh.  You still constantly watch your brother; it's precious.  You also think that you can eat whatever we have and hollar until we share our food- although you have barely 1 tooth right now.  You're taking 3 bottles still and prefer to take a morning and afternoon nap, then bed between 6-7 pm.  You're sleeping about 12 hours at night.  
Coop, can you make this next month slow down, PLEASE!  We love you so much and can't imagine our lives without you, sweet, chubby boy! 

Friday, September 7, 2012

Lovin' our Friday off

Tyler, Braylon and Parker were hiding from the bad guys in my bathtub today.  
They fought the bad guys off with kitchen utensils- a whisk, spatulas and spoons.  

We also walked to the park for a picnic. 
We had a limit of three on the stroller so the three older boys took turns walking and riding.